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Audio report and tips&tricks

One thing to remember - Audio creative supports only audio track and video creatives can't be used.

But - there are plenty of online tools where we can upload and extract audio from the video creative. i.e.:




Also, there's a tool - to quickly create audio ads from text:


In audio campaign report we have these metrics:


Audio plays - if 1/8 of audio length will be listened - then it's a "Audio play". Same metric as we have for "video views".

Audio play rate - complete metric divided by impressions

PTR - play through rate (plays divided by impressions)

CPP - cost per play (spend divided by plays)

Plays - same as our video views (1/8 of audio length listened)

ACL - audio completed listens (complete metric divided by start)

cLTR - completed listen trough rate (complete metric divided from impressions)

CPAL - cost per audio listen (spend divided by complete metric)

// BotSonic