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Practical Cases

Eskimi Data Segments

Before heading to practical cases it is important to share where user's content is used and the absence of it may influence calculation of these audiences. 

  • DMP Audience Creation: Collection of Retargeting Site/App, Interest, Geofence, Site First Party audiences. Uploading Device IDs.
  • Campaign Audience: Collection of impressions, click, event, conversion audiences.
  • General: Reach calculation (but not strictly)
  • Additional DMP solutions: Metrics that are displayed on telco dashboard; Audience insight generation.
  • Targeting: Telco targeting, advanced telco targeting (device connection, multiple operator SIM card, mobile data consumption, operator churn).

Practical Cases

In this paragraph we will share practical cases how user's consent may influence audience collection and how these issues can be resolved at some extent. 

Before heading to the core of the issue it is necessary to understand that user's personal information isn't used when generating the report. However, it is used when audience is collected such as campaign audience.

Campaign Audience Collection

Adops are running programmatic advertising for an FMCG brand in Hungary. After few days they noticed that on the report campaign generated 7 921 clicks, while in the campaign audience section unique click audience seeks only 681. This case indicates few core issues: 

  1. Publisher haven't included us as a vendor: Some of the publishers add all the TCF vendors into their CMP. However, there will definitely be publishers that will closely monitor every vendor and only add part of them and Eskimi may not be one of them. Even though Eskimi is advertising on thousands on publishers through the campaign traffic is received from core publishers. So it is possible to check if we are added under their CMP. It can be done by clicking "Vendors" when the cookie notice pops up. If after some digging adops realise that under the top publishers we are not added as a vendor, adops should contact the publishers directly and ask them to add us as a vendor. image-1613978562762.JPG
  2. User haven't given us the consent: Let's consider that all the top publishers actually added us as a vendor. However, click audience still is much smaller than what adops see on the report. Then the primary reason why the audience isn't accumulating is that users didn't give us the consent. Unfortunately, these cases cannot be influences as we fully comply with the laws of GDPR and user data cannot be collected without their permission. 
Remarketing Audience Collection 

Adops are running programmatic advertising for a retail brand in Germany. The client wanted to collect remarketing audience from their website so they have implemented Eskimi's tracking pixel. After few days of advertising adops noticed that campaign already generated 10 132 clicks, while the remarketing audience pool seeks 0. This case as well can have clear reasons why the audience isn't accumulating:

  1.  Client hasn't included us a vendor: Naturally, if a client just started working with Eskimi they may not be aware of the fact that they should add us under their vendor list in their CMP. To overcome this issue a clear and consistent communication should be done between different parties. Firstly, Eskimi's Business Managers should check with the client has a CMP. If so BM's should clearly communicate that UAB Aktyvus Sektorius should be added as a vendor under their CMP, if this won't be done the remarketing audience won't be collected. Secondly, when adops sends the client the tracking pixel for implementation it is necessary for double-check if the client has CMP and can add us as a vendor. 
  2. User haven't given us the consent: Let's consider that client added us as a vendor. However, remarketing audience still is much smaller than what adops see on the report. Then the primary reason why the audience isn't accumulating is that users didn't give us the consent. Unfortunately, these cases cannot be influences as we fully comply with the laws of GDPR and user data cannot be collected without their permission. 

There might be more similar cases like these, but the reasons may be rather the same. Therefore, further analysis should be done.

Things to consider

All of these things may seem rather complicated. However, this is where the digital landscape is heading. To not get lost and overcomplicated things there are few things to consider.

  1. GDPR is only applicable to EU countries. So if the impression audience isn't accumulating for a programmatic campaign in Africa, then the reason will be different. 
  2. Investigate. It is crucial to first check top publishers' vendor lists before heading to escalations. 
  3. Communication. Be open with the client and clearly communicate the requirements for advertising in EU. Everybody is responsible. 
  4. Documentation. Use this documentation as the basis of your knowledge. 
  5. Share feedback. If something isn't clear and there is a need for more information, contact the management. 
  6. Reasoning. Think logically and search for clear reasons for the issue. 


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