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Gambling and Betting guidelines

Main Principles for Gambling Ads:
  • If a campaign is approved for a specific country, it cannot be executed in other countries without separate approval.
  • The landing page must include responsible gambling information (e.g., details about gambling addiction or underage gambling).
  • Before proceeding with any gambling-related advertising, it must be approved by the legal team.

Offline Gambling – Promotion of physical, real-money gambling activities or establishments is permitted as long as the target market allows gambling in physical locations.
Examples: Casinos like "Olympic Casinos" in Las Vegas, entertainment events at casinos, streaming of offline poker tournaments.

Online Gambling – Promotion of online real-money gambling or websites that contain or link to content related to online gambling (where money is wagered) is permitted if all the listed conditions are met.
Examples: Online casinos, virtual bingo games, slot machines.

Betting – Promotion of betting platforms where real money is wagered, such as betting on sports or other events, is permitted if all the listed conditions are met.
Examples: Betting on sports teams to win a match.

Before proceeding with any gambling-related advertising, please contact the legal department to ensure that local laws have not changed. If you are unsure about the legal requirements, contact our Legal Team at for guidance.

Country Status
Estonia Online gambling - allowed with limitations (Operators must display a message on the landing page)
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
France Online gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
Germany Online gambling - allowed with limitations amd very specific gambling,
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
Latvia Online gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
Lithuania Online gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
Poland Online gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed but heavily regulated
Portugal Online gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
Romania Online gambling - allowed but heavily regulated; must contain addiction warnings
Advertising by gambling organizers is permitted exclusively on a national level
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - allowed
Spain Online gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - allowed
Turkey Offline gambling is not allowed Regulation on Commercial Advertisements and Unfair Commercial Applications prescribes that advertising for illegal betting and gambling is prohibited. There are only few exeptions Online gambling ( Lotteries, Sports betting)
Betting - allowed only by state-licensed entities are permitted.
Ukraine Online gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
United Kingdom Online gambling - Allowed with strict regulation marketing communications for gambling must not include a child or a young person. No one who is, or seems to be, under 25 years old may be featured gambling or playing a significant role.
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - allowed
Country Status
Bangladesh Total ban on online gambling, offline gambling, betting ads
China Online gambling - banned
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - banned
Hong Kong Online gambling - allowed with limitations (only state-run operators can advertise, foreign operators banned)
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
India Online non-casino games and Online casino games varies by state; online gambling ads are banned in some states, allowed with regulation in others
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed strict regulations, state-by-state regulations
Indonesia Online gambling - banned
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - banned
Japan Online gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed
Malaysia Online gambling - banned
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - banned
Myanmar Total ban on online gambling, offline gambling, betting ads
Philippines Online gambling - allowed with limitations (allowed for licensed operators under strict regulation; must promote responsible gambling)
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed certain state run entities are permitted
Singapore Online gambling - strictly regulated
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
Thailand Online gambling - allowed with limitations
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - banned
Georgia Online gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
Israel Online gambling - allowed with limitations heavily restricted,
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - banned
UAE Online gambling - banned
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - banned
Azerbaijan Online gambling - banned
Offline gambling - allowed with limitations
Betting - allowed with limitations
Kazakhstan Online gambling - banned
Offline gambling - banned
Betting - allowed with limitations heavily restricted,
Uzbekistan Online gambling - banned
Offline gambling - allowed with limitations heavily restricted
Betting - allowed with limitations
Armenia Online gambling - allowed with limitations
Offline gambling - allowed with limitations
Betting - allowed with limitations
North America
Country Status
USA Online gambling - allowed with limitations
(Varies by state; allowed in states where online gambling is legal (e.g., New Jersey, Michigan))
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - allowed strict regulations, state-by-state regulations
Canada Online gambling - allowed with limitations,
(Regulated by province; allowed in provinces with legal online gambling (e.g., Ontario, Quebec); content restrictions to protect minors and ensure responsible gambling)
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - allowed with restrictions
Mexico Online gambling allowed with limitations
(Regulated; only licensed operators can advertise; ads must promote responsible gambling and cannot target minors)
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed with restrictions
Country Status
Côte d'Ivoire Online gambling - minimal regulation; ads are largely unregulated
Offline gambling - not allowed
Betting - allowed with limitations
Nigeria Online Gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - allowed only by authorized by the Nigerian Gambling Authorit
Betting - Allowed with exeption
Kenya Online Gambling - allowed with limitations,
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - allowed but regulated
Ghana Online Gambling - allowed with limitations
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - allowed licensed by the Gaming Commission of Ghana
Cameroon Online gambling - minimal regulation;ads are largely unregulated
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - allowed but regulated
South Africa Online Gambling - allowed with limitations
Offline gambling - allowed
Betting - allowed but regulated
Morocco Online gambling - promoted by state-run entities is permitted
Offline gambling - like in example Olympic casinos is Not allowed
Betting - banned
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