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Filtered Impressions

The Filtered Impressions widget is a helpful tool that shows the percentage of impressions that were filtered out from your campaigns. This can happen due to multiple reasons, such as specific targeting settings, creatives, budget & pacing limitations, and more. The percentage displayed indicates the number of impressions that didn't meet the specified criteria and were therefore excluded from the campaign.

Impressions can be filtered for the following reasons.



The number of impressions not bought due to a pre-bid issue:

  • Invalid traffic. Number of queries that were filtered because they are considered invalid traffic, e.g. fake clickers.
  • Unauthorized seller (Ads.txt). Number of queries that were filtered because they are from Unauthorized Sellers. 
  • Rewarded ads are not supported. Number of queries that were filtered because the requests contain rewarded ads that are not supported.



The number of impressions that were filtered due to targeting settings on your campaigns. 

Targeting Setting


Ad placement position

Impressions that did not match ad positions selected in the campaign, e.g. above the fold.


Impressions that did not match the SEC & LSM targeting selected in the campaign. Read more here


Impressions that did not match the audience targeting options used in the campaign, e.g. DMP audience or retargeting audience. 


Impressions that did not match the device targeting used in the campaign. It could be related to device type, OS, brand or model. 


Impressions that did not match the targeted web browser in the campaign. 


Impressions that did not match the environment (apps or sites) targeting options used in the campaign.


Impressions that were excluded due to operator/ISP targeting options used in the campaign.


Impressions that did not match the location targeting of the campaign, e.g. country, cities, states, or zip codes.


Impressions that were excluded due to language targeting options selected in the campaign.

Brand Safety

Impressions that did not match one or more brand safety settings set up in the campaign.

IP addresses/ranges 

Impressions that did not match the targeted IP address or ranges of the campaign.


Impressions that did not match the app/site categories selection of the campaign. 



The number of impressions that were filtered due to issues with creatives selected in the campaign.

Display creatives aspects

  • Native ad is not SSL compliant. Impressions filtered due to non-SSL content, such as landing pages or third-party trackers using HTTP instead of HTTPS protocol.
  • Banner JavaScript is not supported. Impressions that are filtered because JavaScript is not supported. This can be related to rich media, or JavaScript creatives and ad exchanges that don’t support JavaScript tags.
  • Native ad asset is invalid. Native video creative image sizes are not suitable for native format alternative images.
  • Video ad companion is not supported. Impressions are filtered because the potential placement does not support the companion banner.
  • Banner topframe. Impressions that are filtered due to selected top frame placement targeting.


Video creative aspects

  • Video ad skip is not supported. Impressions that are excluded due to placement limitations for selected video ad skip ability options.
  • Video ad VPAID or OMID is not supported. Impressions that are filtered due to selected viewability tracking methods in creative settings. Learn more about VPAID or OMID.
  • Video ad max duration exceeded. Impressions that are excluded because the video creative exceeds the allowed duration limit.
  • Video ad VAST version is not supported. Impressions that are filtered due to the uploaded VAST tag version.
  • Video ad start delay is not supported. Impressions that are filtered because of the start delay option that is applied in creative settings.
  • Video ad min duration is not reached. Impressions that are filtered due to too short video creative duration.
  • Video ad MRAID is not supported. Impressions that are filtered as the placement does not support MRAID. Not all apps support MRAID, meaning that the impressions from the ones that don’t support it are getting filtered.  
  • Video placement. Impressions that are filtered due to selected video player placement (e.g. in banner, in article, in feed, interstitial, etc.).
  • Video Linear/In-Stream placement. Impressions that are filtered due to selected video player requirements related to Linear/In-stream placements. 


Placement limitations 

  • Creative category is not allowed. Impressions that are filtered due to restricted creative category.
  • Creative is not approved.  Impressions that are filtered as the selected creative is pending approval or was rejected by ad exchange.


Publisher restrictions

  • Click URL excluded by publisher. Impressions that are filtered due to declared click URL which is excluded by publisher.
  • Product category excluded by the publisher. Impressions that are filtered due to detected sensitive advertised product category.
  • Sensitive category excluded by the publisher. Impressions that are filtered due to detected sensitive creative content category.

Budget & pacing

The number of impressions meeting targeting criteria with eligible creatives, but with bids exceeding any of the below limits:

  • Frequency capping. Can be set on a campaign level. If the impressions limit for a user on a given period is reached, further impressions will be filtered out for the given period. 
  • Bid is too low. The bid price falls below the floor or exchange/publisher minimum price in an open auction. Increasing the bid might help to improve campaign performance by allowing the campaign to bid on placements with higher bid floors.


// BotSonic