Click to engaged sessionvisit tracking is a helpful tool for optimising the sessions,visits, sessionclick to visit rate (SR)CVR) or cost per sessionvisits (CPS)CPVst).
ENGAGEDVisit SESSIONmetric definitionmeasures -the engagednumber sessionof isusers who successfully arrive at an advertiser's website or landing page after interacting with an ad through a group of user interactions on the website that take place within a given time
Engaged sessionVisit is counted if:counted:
2Afterorusermorelands to campaign landing pageviewsandwereEskimimadeDSP pixel firesTheEskimiuserDSPspendspixel10sfiresorinmorefirstonvisitthe sitesecond
It's important to note that the engaged session differs from session.
Setup Eskimi DSP Tracking pixel on the landing page.
1. Obtain the Tracking pixel code from Tracking pixels section.
2. Place the Tracking pixel code on the landing page.
More information about tracking pixel implementation guide
Collect click to engaged sessionvisit data after launching the campaign and receiving clicks.
Collect the data to Eskimi DSP campaign reporting system: Engaged VisitsSessions,, CVRSR (engagedclick sessionto visit rate), CPSCPVst (cost per engaged session)visit).
Optimise automatically or manually.
- Optimise automatically by setting up rules for
SRCVR (engagedclicksessionto visit rate) or/andCPSCPVst (cost perengaged session)visit). - Optimise manually on Targeting optimisation tool by Ad exchange, Creative, OS, Browser, Operator, App/Site.