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Full Screen

Full-screen ads that cover the interface of their host app or site. These ads appear between content, so they place at natural transition points or breaks, such as in between activities or game levels. Their full-coverage is what differentiates them from other ad types, like pop-up, native, and banner ads.

Why prefer Interstitial ads:

  • Larger sizes leave larger impressions on users
  • Higher impression rates mean higher click-through rates

Full Screen ads mostly consists of these ad sizes. Indicating that creative size will be large. Therefore, there is more space to share your message. 

Creative Size Impressions
320x480 37,449,043,850
480x320 3,328,270,323
768x1024 524,727,237
1024x768 158,021,896
720x1280 138,618,425

While when it comes to banner and video split for full screen ads, video takes the lead. Over 50% of all possible ad impressions are video ads. 

Creative Type Impressions
Video 22,016,059,674
Banner 19,610,650,876

Additionally, over 90% of all Full Screen ad traffic comes from apps. 

Types Impressions
App 41,608,923,201
Site 17,787,349

While, when it comes to countries these are the leading markets with the most traffic for Full Screen  ad.

Country Impressions
India 9,241,284,965
Indonesia 6,272,050,526
Philippines 3,907,130,477
Japan 3,253,082,857
South Korea 2,458,822,998
Ukraine 1,567,795,346
Bangladesh 1,550,722,932
Vietnam 1,500,487,479
Thailand 1,329,995,310
Malaysia 1,280,880,294
South Africa 1,018,355,166
Nigeria 981,184,264
Australia 799,043,298
Kazakhstan 671,379,040
United Arab Emirates 483,921,886
Saudi Arabia 393,945,262
Azerbaijan 390,343,624
Belarus 377,894,809
Ghana 314,179,732
Nepal 300,340,792

Without any optimization results for Full Screen ads might be:

Country  CPM   CPC  VTR CTR
Bangladesh  $       0.60  $       0.02 38% 2.4%
Kazakhstan  $       1.13  $       0.06 36% 1.8%
Indonesia  $       1.59  $       0.05 44% 3.4%
Nigeria  $       0.92  $       0.02 44% 4.5%
Myanmar  $       0.57  $       0.01 60% 4.5%
Kenya  $       1.24  $       0.03 38% 4.3%
Tanzania  $       0.99  $       0.02 57% 4.1%
Georgia  $       0.95  $       0.04 20% 2.5%
Azerbaijan  $       0.48  $       0.01 51% 3.8%
Cameroon  $       0.43  $       0.02 58% 1.7%
Ghana  $       0.79  $       0.02 50% 5.3%
South Africa  $       1.29  $       0.04 46% 2.9%
Sri Lanka  $       0.73  $       0.02 49% 4.0%
Cameroon  $       0.84  $       0.02 41% 5.2%
Global  $       0.99  $       0.03 43% 3.2%

While with non-significant automatic Viewability optimization it is possible to reach:


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