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You will find Telcodash on your left side menu:


Then you will be asked to choose the country and month that you want to filter:


Once the data is loaded, there will be 3 sections where you can review relevant information: Market overview, Economics, Mobile devices.



Data market shares (all)



This widget shows how the internet data market is divided by Mobile Network Operators (MNO) and Internet Service Providers (ISP). The data source: impressions.


ISP data market share



This widget shows how the market is divided by the Internet Service Providers (ISP). The data source: impressions.

Mobile data market share



This widget shows how the mobile data market is divided by Mobile Network Operators (MNO). The data source: impressions.


Mobile network unique user distribution


This widget shows market split per Mobile Network Operator (MNO) in unique users. The data source: unique users (DMP IDs).

Mobile data vs. WIFI/DSL/Fiber by consumption



This widget shows the market split between mobile and other other (WiFi, DSL, Fiber) internet data usage. The data source: impressions.

Users by SIM count




This widget shows how many SIM cards this unique user (DMP ID) used for mobile data usage ever. Here no SIM (SIM-less devices) number show devices with the internet access without SIM card usage (tablets, laptops, desktop PCs, iPads and others).


Multi-SIM users




This widget shows how many users have been using more than 2 SIM cards for the mobile internet. Different SIM cards were used not necessarily at the same time. This information is not related with user's device type (dual, triple SIM).

Top main pairs


This widget shows the main SIM pairs used in the market for mobile data usage. The sequence in the naming doesn’t mean that one Mobile Network Operator (MNO) is the first and another second. There is no relation between the naming and
primary-secondary positioning in the widget.


Migrations and TOP migrations


This widget shows the latest migrations in the mobile data (internet) usage pattern. TO shows the current SIM card used for mobile data. FROM shows the latest previous SIM card used for mobile data access.

Lost and gained



In this widget Lost means how many users stopped to use Mobile Network Operator (MNO) SIM card for mobile data in the past 14 days. Gained shows how many users started to use new operator’s SIM card for mobile data access. This data is NOT about mobile number portability (MNP) when the real phone number is migrated from one network to another.


Data loss due to secondary
SIM position





This widget shows the accumulated amount of mobile data lost per each Mobile Network Operator (MNO) due to their SIM used as the secondary SIM for the mobile internet access.


Secondary SIM position


This widget shows the percentage of Mobile Network Operator (MNO) SIM cards used as the primary and secondary SIMs for the internet access. The secondary SIM is indicated as seen less often using the mobile internet in the comparison with the primary SIM.


User loyalty


In this widget Loyal users mean those who all the time used only one Mobile Network Operator (MNO). Meanwhile Switchers changed 1 or more operators during their life time.


Top device brands in the country


This widget shows the market split by the most popular mobile device brands. The data source: unique users (DMP IDs).

Avg. page views by operators and comparison


This widget shows an average number of page views generated by the average Mobile Network Operator (MNO) while using the internet.


Profiled DMP users


The numbers is this widget are unique users - DMP IDs.

Users by network type


This widget shows how many Mobile Network Operator (MNO) clients are using which network type.The data source: impressions.





// BotSonic