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Technical Information

Basic Information

Telco taxonomy is based on Eskimi DMP (Data Managemt Platform). Eskimi DMP takes information which is received from bid request when doing digital advertising. Core information consists of users who are browsing online. 

If the country isn't in the Telco Taxonomy it might be that DMP isn't enabled for this country. DMP can enabled by Gabriele. Keep in mind that DMP stats will be generated only next month. So you will get your taxonomy only then. 

DMP statistics is calculated once in a month and generated for the past month. DMP stats calculation is needed to recalculate users, to check if new users appeared or some users are not valid anymore. 

Users are excluded after 30 days from the last seen time

Telco taxonomy is based on device IDs that are received from bid request. Device IDs are more stable user identifiers than cookies and they can be used on various third party platforms (Facebook, DV360, Adform and etc.). 

Segment Explanation

Telco taxonomy is publically available here:

You can export the google sheet and change the sheets based on your needs. Do not do changes to the online document. 

Valid Device ID - means that user was seen within 30 day period. 

Unique Device ID - indicates one device ID, but it doesn't represent unique person. As a person can have more devices. 

Overlap - some users (device IDs) can be found in two or more sheets. As they are found under both/more segments. 

Total Number - sheet indicates valid and unique device IDs in the country. Some device IDs may be found online without operator or ISP. This is why the amount of these two sheets won't resonate with the total number of device IDs. 

All Mobile Operator Uses - sheet indicates valid and unique device IDs that were seen connected to a Mobile Network Operator (MNO). 

All ISP Uses - sheet indicates valid and unique device IDs that were seen connected to an Internet Service Providers (ISP). An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the industry term for the company that is able to provide you with access to the Internet.

Operators By Country - sheet indicates valid device IDs that were seen connected to a specific MNO in the country. Keep in mind that some users may be under two or more operators as they are multi-sims. This is why the sum of device IDs won't match the total amount of all mobile operator users. 

ISPs By Country - sheet indicates valid device IDs that were seen connected to a specific ISP in the country. Most of the time users are using one ISP (there are small amount of exceptions). This is why the sum of ISPs by Country will match All ISP Users.

All SIM Users - sheet indicates valid and unique device IDs that were seen with a SIM card. This number resonates with all mobile operator users as if the user is seen connected to an operator the relevant SIM card is atributed. 

All Multi SIM Users -

SIM Amount By Country

Lost SIMs By Operator, Country

SIM Type By Operator, Country

Connection By Operator, Country

Migrations By Country

MultiSIM Pairs By Country

Operator & ISP Pairs By Country

ISP Pairs By Country

All Migrations By Country