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40 Acronyms You Should Know

Acronyms can definitely simplify communication, but it can be challenging to remember what each one stands for. However, we've got you covered! Here are some common acronym examples along with their meanings, so you can stay in the loop too.

General acronyms
KPI Key Performance Indicator MeasurableA measurable metric used to evaluate the success and performance of a specific objective or goal in business or other areas.
B2B Business-to-Business ReferringRefers to businesses that primarily sell products or services to other businesses.
TA Target Audience A specific group of individuals or demographics that a product, service, or message is intended to reach and resonate with.
ISP Internet Service Provider A company or organization that provides internet access and related services to individuals, businesses, and other entities.
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
A smart card that stores identification information that pinpoints a smartphone to a specific mobile network.
OS Operating System Software that manages computer hardware and software resources, provides a user interface, and facilitates the execution of programs on a computer or mobile device.
API Application Programming Interface
A set of protocols, tools, and definitions that enable different software applications to communicate and interact with each other, allowing for the exchange of data and functionality.
SEC Socio-economic class Categorization of individuals based on their social and economic factors, such as income, data usage, device price, location tags, browsing data, online user online behaviour,behavior, etc.
RM Rich Media
Interactive and dynamic digital advertisements that incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and interactive features to engage and captivate the audience.
MP Media Plan A strategic document that outlines the intended media channels, placements, and scheduling to reach the target audience and achieve advertising objectives effectively.
WL White List A curated list of approved websites, publishers, or content platforms that meet certain criteria and are considered safe and suitable for ad placements.
BL Black List A list of websites, publishers, or content platforms that are deemed unsuitable or undesirable for ad placements due to factors such as inappropriate content,content or low quality.
BLS Brand Lift Study
A research method that measures the impact and effectiveness of an advertising campaign by assessing changes in consumer perception, brand awareness, purchase intent, and other key metrics.
CTA Call to Action A prompt or instruction that encourages the audience to take a specific action, such as clicking a link, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter.
USP Unique Selling Proposition A distinctive feature or benefit of a product or service that sets it apart from competitors.
B2C Business-to-Consumer ReferringRefers to businesses that primarily sell products or services directly to consumers.
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation A regulation that governs data protection and privacy for individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).
Advertising acronyms
CPM Cost Per Mille (thousand) The cost that an advertiser pays for every one thousand impressions of their ad being served or displayed.
CPC Cost Per Click PricingA pricing model in advertising where advertisers pay a certain amount for each click on their ad.
CTR Click-Through Rate A measure in advertising that represents the percentage of users who clicked on a specific ad or link out of the total number of impressions it received.
CPV Cost Per View A pricing model in advertising where advertisers pay a certain amount for each view or engagement with their video ad.
CPCV Cost Per Completed View A pricing model in video advertising where advertisers pay for each video view that is completed by the viewer.viewer completes.
VTR View-Through Rate
A metric in advertising that measures the percentage of viewers who watched a video ad to completion or a significant portion of it without clicking on the ad or taking immediate action.
CPI Cost Per Install A metric used in mobile app advertising that represents the cost an advertiser pays for each installation of their app attributed to an ad campaign.
CPE Cost Per Engagement A metric used in advertising to measure the cost an advertiser pays for each user engagement with an ad, such as clicks, interactions, or other specified actions.
ER Engagement Rate
A metric used to measure the level of user engagement with a specific ad or campaign, often calculated as the percentage of users who interacted with the ad divided by the total number of impressions or reach.
ROAS Return on Advertising Spend A metric that measures the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by calculating the revenue generated for each dollar spent on advertising.
ROI Return on Investment A measure of the profitability or efficiency of an investment, including advertising campaigns.
CPA Cost Per Acquisition A metric that measures the cost an advertiser pays for each specified action or conversion, such as a purchase or sign-up.
CPL Cost Per Lead The cost an advertiser pays for each new lead generated through their marketing efforts.
VPAID Video Player-Ad Interface Definition A standard for in-stream video ads that enables interactive and engaging ad experiences within video players.
IBV In-banner video
A type of online advertising where video content is displayed within a standard banner ad format, allowing for the delivery of video content without requiring a separate video player or dedicated video ad space.
VAST Video Ad Serving Template A standard XML-based ad format used to deliver video ads to video players.
Programmatic acronyms
DSP Demand Side Platform A software platform that enables advertisers and agencies to automate and optimize the buying process of digital ad inventory across multiple ad exchanges, reaching targeted audiences effectively.
DMP Data Management Platform
A centralized technology platform used in advertising that collects, organizes, and activates data from various sources to create targeted audience segments for more effective ad targeting and personalization.
SSP Supply-Side Platform
Technology platform used in advertising that helps publishers and media owners manage and optimize their inventory by connecting them with demand-side platforms (DSPs) and facilitating the selling of ad impressions programmatically.
RTB Real-Time Bidding
Automated auction-based process in advertising where ad impressions are bought and sold in real-time, allowing advertisers to bid on and display ads to specific users based on their targeting criteria.
PMP Private Marketplace
Invitation-An invitation-only marketplace where publishers offer premium ad inventory to a select group of pre-approved advertisers, providing a controlled and more exclusive environment for buying and selling programmatic advertising.
PG Programmatic Guaranteed
Buying method where advertisers and publishers negotiate and pre-agree on specific inventory and pricing through programmatic channels, ensuring guaranteed ad placements and delivery.
PD Preferred Deals
Buying arrangement where publishers offer selected inventory to specific advertisers at negotiated prices before making it available in the open marketplace, providing preferential access to high-quality ad placements.
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