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Vast troubleshooting

Vast Versions

If you notice that some of VAST campaigns are struggling with spending, it might be that it's because the VAST is running on certain version, most likely VAST 4,  most of vast traffic comes from VAST 2 and VAST 3

To check witch VAST version is being used, you need to open pre-wrapped VAST XML, To open VAST XML just paste the VAST URI in the browser :


Usually, the best scenario is when the client shares tags for all VAST versions, but if you get only 1 tag from the client, and it's VAST 4, you can manually change the version by adding &vastVersion=3 or&vastVersion=2 in the end of the tag, for example:[OMIDPARTNER]&apiframeworks=[APIFRAMEWORKS]&bundleId=[BUNDLEID]&xsId=[PLEASE_IMPLEMENT_UNIQUE_ADSERVER_IMPRESSION_ID_HERE]&ias_xappb=[ctv_appid]&originalVast=


Wrapped tags

VAST wrapping works by sending our VAST URI from campaign A to the client, then the client wraps that URI and sends it back to us and we set that tag on campaign B. If you see that the wrapped tag looks correct and for some reason campaign B is still not spending anything, it might be because campaign A has expired. The original campaign that we took the URI from and sent to the client needs to be at least pending (it doesn't need to be live), but it cannot be expired, so always set the campaign A duration to the campaigns B ending date.




This manual shows how to upload VPAID or OMID tags (the setup is a bit different).

To check if the tag is VPAID or OMID, you need to open the VAST XML (just open the tag in the browser). apiFramework element will indicate what type the tag is:


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Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 12.17.48.png



// BotSonic