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Creative Requirements

Creative Requirement 1.jpgCreative Requirements 2.jpg

Static Banner
File type: .png, .jpg/.gif 

Dimensions: might differ upon the specific country
Mobile -  320x480 300x250 300x600 250x250 200x200 300x100 468x60 320x50 300x50
Desktop - 300x250 728x90 250x250 300x600 160x600 120x600 336x280 970x90

Size: Recommended up to 150KB Maximum allowed up to 4.5MB

Animated Banner

File type: html5 (Java Script)

Dimensions: might differ upon the specific country
Mobile -  320x480 300x250 300x600 250x250 200x200 300x100 468x60 320x50 300x50
Desktop - 300x250 728x90 250x250 300x600 160x600 120x600 336x280 970x90

Size: Creatives may not exceed a 150K initial load, the total download cannot exceed 5MB

Duration: Ads must remain static after 30 seconds

  • Creative must be fully SSL compliant (all request from https). Landing page also https.
  • RM creative main index.html file has to have campaign landing page URL (click URL)
  • RM creative must have ClickTag macros, one of {CLICK_URL}, {CLICK_URL_ENC}, {CLICK_URL_ASYNC}
  • Click tag has to be inserted in main RM creative file (if it's HTML5 - index.html file ; if it's a JavaScript tag - main JS tag).
  • All creatives must open landing page (click URL) in new tab/window.
  • The target window for the click-through URL must be set to "_blank" so the click-through will open in a new window.
  • Do not leave the target statement undeclared.
  • Rich Media creative code has to be valid and pass validator -
  • Also no errors in browser console.
Dynamic ads

API, Product URL link; additional .psd elements if needed. Can take up to 3 business days (Depends on revisions and personalisation).


Native ads

Icon 128x128px (app/product icon)

Main image 1200x627px; 600x600px

Title (product or service) 25 symbols*

Description (advertising text) 90 symbols*

CTA (described call-to-action for the destination) 15 symbols*

Advertiser (name of the advertiser) 25 symbols*

* - including the spaces between letters

Facebook & Instagram ads (In-feed)

Facebook account integration, set-up (please contact adops for more details). Steps: Business settings > Pages > Choose an exact page > Assign Partners > Business ID > Enter Business ID > Choose Publish content and view earnings insights > Next > Done

Icon 128x128px (app/product icon)

Main image 1200x627px; 600x600px (only 20% text allowed)

Title (product or service) 25 symbols*

Description (advertising text) 90 symbols*

CTA (described call-to-action for the destination) 15 symbols*

Advertiser (name of the advertiser) 25 symbols*

* - including the spaces between letters

IBV & VAST video formats

IBV 4:3 ratio; VAST: 16:9 ratio in mp4 format, up to 30 sec (Recommended)

Youtube bumper ad

Bumper ad: video no longer than 6 sec. Uploaded to Youtube account & video link provided

Youtube in-stream ad

Video up to 15/20/30 sec (Recommended). Uploaded to Youtube account & video link provided

Templated Rich media

Png or Jpeg images in sizes:

300x250, 320x480, 300x600, 160x600, 300x50, 300x150, 300x300, 320x50, 320x100, 320x320, 336x280, 728x90, 970x90, 970x250


.psd files with font files (have to allocate more time for resizing works). Templated rich media creation takes 1-2 business days.


Recommended sizes: 300x250, 300x600, 320x480, 320x50, 300x50, 300x100, 970x250, 728x90.

Image weight up to 4.5 MB, recommended weight up to 150 KB

Custom Rich media, Mini-games

.psd files with font files, brand guidelines (if available) & expected flow and logic (or team can advise, create flow). Custom rich media with revisions can take up to 5 business days (depends on complexity and revisions needed).

Templated rich media frame requirements:


Supported sizes: 300x250, 320x480, 300x600, 160x600, 300x50, 300x150, 300x300, 320x50, 320x100, 320x320, 336x280, 728x90, 970x90, 970x250

1 Image: Glitch, Countdown, Dancing 3D*, Rotating Billboard*

2 Images: Shake & Brake, Blinds, Slider, Scratch to Reveal, Page Flip, Parallax*

3 Images: 3D Rotating, Carousel, Pixel pages, 3D Triangle, Parallax 3D Triangle*

4 Images: Carousel, Pixel pages, 3D Cubes, 3D Cube vertical, Animated Cubes, Animated 3D Cubes, 3D Cube horizontal, Parallax 3D Cube*

5-6 Images: Carousel, Pixel pages

7-10 Images: Carousel

* check Rich Media specifications

Advanced templated rich media



Any supported sizes; Recommended sizes: 300x250, 300x600, 320x480, 320x50, 300x50, 300x100, 970x250, 728x90

Floating banner: 1 image

Map banner: map data cvs & up to 4 overlay elements - logo, button

Map with drag (Drag to see nearest store): map data & 1 image

Panorama (vertical & horizontal): 1 start image and 1 end image

Flip: 2 images

Slider (left to right): 2 images

Drag to reveal (Slide): 2 images

Pixel page: up to 5 images 

3D Prism: 3 images

Parallax cube: 4 images, overlay elements optional

VR showroom: 4 room wall images

Floating fixed ad: templated: 4 images

Blinds swipe: up to 5 images

Queue: up to 5 images (min 2 required)

Scroll to queue (image changes when scrolled): up to 5 images (min 3 required)

Slides: up to 5 images (min 2 required)

Train: up to 6 images (min 2 required)

Carousel: up to 6 images (min 3 required)

Deck of cards: up to 6 images (min 2 required)

Horizontal 4 side cube: 4 images 


// BotSonic