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Creative Requirements

Static Banner
File type: .png, .jpg/.gif 

Dimensions: might differ upon the specific country
Mobile -  320x480320x480, 300x250300x250, 300x600300x600, 250x250250x250, 200x200200x200, 300x100300x100, 468x60468x60, 320x50320x50, 300x50
Desktop - 300x250300x250, 728x90728x90, 250x250250x250, 300x600300x600, 160x600160x600, 120x600120x600, 336x280336x280, 970x90

Size: Recommended up to 150KB Maximum allowed up to 4.5MB

Animated Banner

File type: html5 (Java Script)

Dimensions: might differ upon the specific country
Mobile -  320x480320x480, 300x250300x250, 300x600300x600, 250x250250x250, 200x200200x200, 300x100300x100, 468x60468x60, 320x50320x50, 300x50
Desktop - 300x250300x250, 728x90728x90, 250x250250x250, 300x600300x600, 160x600160x600, 120x600120x600, 336x280336x280, 970x90

Size: Creatives may not exceed a 150K initial load, the total download cannot exceed 5MB

Duration: Ads must remain static after 30 seconds

  • Creative must be fully SSL compliant (all request from https). Landing page also https.
  • RM creative main index.html file has to have campaign landing page URL (click URL)
  • RM creative must have ClickTag macros, one of {CLICK_URL}, {CLICK_URL_ENC}, {CLICK_URL_ASYNC}
  • Click tag has to be inserted in main RM creative file (if it's HTML5 - index.html file ; if it's a JavaScript tag - main JS tag).
  • All creatives must open landing page (click URL) in new tab/window.
  • The target window for the click-through URL must be set to "_blank" so the click-through will open in a new window.
  • Do not leave the target statement undeclared.
  • Rich Media creative code has to be valid and pass validator -
  • Also no errors in browser console.
Sticky Ads

File type: .png, .jpg/.gif/ HTML5 (Java Script)

320x50320x50, 300x250300x250, 728x90728x90, 300x50300x50, 320x100320x100, 120x600120x600, 300x100300x100, 250x250250x250, 160x600160x600, 300x600300x600, 336x280336x280, 234x60234x60, 200x200200x200, 160x90160x90, 240x400240x400, 970x250970x250, 320x480320x480, 970x90970x90, 468x60468x60, 728x40

Size: Recomended up to 150KB Maximum allowed up to 4.5MB

Standard Rich Media

File type: Assets for Creative Development .png/.jpg or .psd

300x250, 320x480, 300x600, 160x600, 300x50, 300x150, 300x300, 320x50, 320x100, 320x320, 336x280, 728x90, 970x90, 970x250 or Photoshop file (.psd) with all elements in the banner on separate layers and fonts

1 Image: Glitch, Countdown, Dancing 3D*, Rotating Billboard*
2 Images: Shake & Brake, Blinds, Slider, Scratch to Reveal, Page Flip, Parallax*
3 Images: 3D Rotating, Carousel, Pixel pages, 3D Triangle, Parallax 3D Triangle*
4 Images: Carousel, Pixel pages, 3D Cubes, 3D Cube vertical, Animated Cubes, Animated 3D Cubes, 3D Cube horizontal, Parallax 3D Cube*
5-6 Images: Carousel, Pixel pages
7-10 Images: Carousel
* check specifications
Custom Rich Media

File type: Photoshop file (.psd) with all elements in the banner on separate layers

  • Brand guidelines, brand book, logos (if available)
  • CTA button attached or guidelines given
  • Banner flow and logic described in a few sentences
  • All banner sizes that will be used in the campaign
High Impact Ads

File type: Assets for Creative Development .psd

Floating ad: 150x150 .png/.jpg/.psd
Full Page Takeover:

Topscroll: responsive

Midscroll: responsive

Responsive means that format is adjusting to the screen size it is serving.

Dynamic Ads

File type: Assets for Creative Development
Product feed - json or xml format.
Weather ads - city and particular conditions.
For any other types of dynamic ads - API.


  • Mobile: 320x480320x480, 300x250300x250, 300x600300x600, 250x250250x250, 200x200200x200, 300x100300x100, 468x60468x60, 320x50320x50, 300x50
  • Desktop: 300x250300x250, 728x90728x90, 250x250250x250, 300x600300x600, 160x600160x600, 120x600120x600, 336x280336x280, 970x90
Native Ads

File type: .png/.jpg and text


  • Icon/logo 128x128
  • Main image 1200x627 (additional 600x600, 400x400, 1200x1200)
  • Title 25 symbols*
  • Description max 90 symbols*
  • CTA max 15 symbols*
  • Advertiser max 25 symbols*

    * - including the spaces between letters


  • Likes number betwen 1 and trillion
  • Downloads number betwen 1 and trillion
  • Price max 50 symbols
  • Sale Price max 50 symbols
  • Phone max 50 symbols
  • Address max 100 symbols
  • Star Rating max 4 symbols
  • Additional Description max 90 symbols
  • Display URL max 1000 symbols
In-Game Ads

File type:

  • Banner .jpg/gif, html5 and tags
  • Video  .mp4


  • Banner: 480x320, 300x250, 640x360, 336x280, 320x480, 320x50, 640x480
    Additionally: 768x1024, 1920x1080, 970x250, 728x90, 300x600, 320x320, 160x600, 250x250, 320x100, 360x640 320x180.
  • Video: 320x480, 480x320, 1024x768, 768x1024

Size: Recommended video file less than 15MB

Duration: Recommended video duration 6-15 seconds


In-Banner Video

File type: .mp4

Dimensions: 4:3 ratio

Size: Maximum up to 5MB
Duration: Recommended up to 30 seconds


  • Description
  • CTA
  • Companion banner 300x250 in the file .png/.jpg/html5 (Java Script)
VAST Video

File type: .mp4

Dimensions: 16:9 ratio

Size: Maximum up to 5MB
Duration: Recommended up to 30 seconds. Maximum duration 6 minutes


  • Description
  • CTA
  • Companion banner 300x250 in the file .png/.jpg/html5 (Java Script)
Rewarded Video

File type: .mp4

Dimensions:320x480320x480, 480x320

Size: Maximum up to 5MB
Duration: Recommended up to 30 seconds.


  • Description
  • CTA
  • Companion banner 300x250 in the file .png/.jpg/html5 (Java Script)

File type: .mp4, External VAST URI (without VPAID)
VPAID/OMID is not supported, therefore viewability is not tracked.

Dimensions: 1920x1080

Size: Recommended 45 MB. Maximum 100 MB.

Duration: Recommended up to 30 seconds. Maximum up to 1 minute.


Facebook & Instagram ads (In-feed)

Facebook account integration, set-up (please contact adops for more details). Steps: Business settings > Pages > Choose an exact page > Assign Partners > Business ID > Enter Business ID > Choose Publish content and view earnings insights > Next > Done

Icon 128x128px (app/product icon)

Main image 1200x627px; 600x600px (only 20% text allowed)

Title (product or service) 25 symbols*

Description (advertising text) 90 symbols*

CTA (described call-to-action for the destination) 15 symbols*

Advertiser (name of the advertiser) 25 symbols*

* - including the spaces between letters

Youtube bumper ad

Bumper ad: video no longer than 6 sec.
Uploaded to Youtube account & video link provided

Youtube in-stream ad

Video up to 15/20/30 sec (Recommended).
Uploaded to Youtube account & video link provided

Advanced templated rich media



Any supported sizes; Recommended sizes: 300x250, 300x600, 320x480, 320x50, 300x50, 300x100, 970x250, 728x90

Floating banner: 1 image

Map banner: map data cvs & up to 4 overlay elements - logo, button

Map with drag (Drag to see nearest store): map data & 1 image

Panorama (vertical & horizontal): 1 start image and 1 end image

Flip: 2 images

Slider (left to right): 2 images

Drag to reveal (Slide): 2 images

Pixel page: up to 5 images 

3D Prism: 3 images

Parallax cube: 4 images, overlay elements optional

VR showroom: 4 room wall images

Floating fixed ad: templated: 4 images

Blinds swipe: up to 5 images

Queue: up to 5 images (min 2 required)

Scroll to queue (image changes when scrolled): up to 5 images (min 3 required)

Slides: up to 5 images (min 2 required)

Train: up to 6 images (min 2 required)

Carousel: up to 6 images (min 3 required)

Deck of cards: up to 6 images (min 2 required)

Horizontal 4 side cube: 4 images

// BotSonic