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IAS: Video and Display Trackers & Glossary

Trackers for Video:

IAS Solution Explanation Requirements Measure Viewability Measure Invisible URLs Measure Impressions  Measure Brand Safety
Multimedia Tag Monitoring (Wrapped Video) Video tracking tag that will work across desktop, CTV, mobile & in-app. Can measure viewability, set to not block Requires a VPAID or OMID player/publisher support & 3rd party ad serving Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multimedia Tag Blocking (Wrapped Video) Video tracking tag that will work across desktop, CTV, mobile & in-app. Can measure viewability, set to block Requires a VPAID or OMID player/publisher support & 3rd party ad serving Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unified Video 1x1 Pixel Video tracking tag that will work across desktop, CTV, mobile & in-app. Cannot measure viewability or block Requires a VAST player & 3rd party ad serving No No Yes Yes

Ensuring accurate measurement of viewability and other metrics with IAS requires using Wrapped Video Creative. This is because certain metrics, such as those measured by JavaScript (JS), cannot be captured using the traditional 1x1 pixel. At the same time, the VAST video format also doesn't support a separate JS impression tracker, so Multimedia Tag Monitoring is necessary, wrapping the video within the Creative Tag for accurate measurement. However, in cases where the goal is to measure pure impressions to verify discrepancies, a 1x1 pixel (impression tracker) is sufficient. This tracker, known as "Unified Video Pixel" can be employed for such purposes.

Additionally, It's essential to use VPAID/OMID-compatible video inventory to enable IAS to measure viewability effectively. However, remember that inventory compatible with VPAID/OMID may limit the overall supply available to the campaign. 

Trackers for Display:

IAS Solution Explanation Measure Viewability Measure Invisible URLs Measure Impressions  Measure Brand Safety
Blocking Creative Tag Display tags with blocking. Requires JS support Yes Yes Yes Yes

Monitoring JS

Display tags without blocking. Requires JS support Yes Yes Yes Yes

Monitoring 1x1 pixel 

Display tags without blocking. No No Yes Yes

Viewability measurements are possible with JavaScript tags only. However, some publishers or exchanges might not support this format. In such cases, viewability measurement by IAS wouldn't be possible. Nevertheless, 1x1 monitoring pixels can be utilized for display creatives. By using this type of tracker, IAS would be able to measure impressions to verify the total amount of served impressions. 

IAS Articles:

User Guide - Tag Manager - a comprehensive guide on how to create different Tags using an IAS self-service account

Multimedia Tag - overview of Multimedia tag capabilities, it is creation and limitations.

IAS Tag Stracuture - overview of the different structures of IAS TagsTags.


Term Definition
Total Tracked Ads

The number of ads IAS processed.

Eligible Ads For Viewability Measurement

The number of all unblocked ads that are invalid traffic (IVT) free and served in a JavaScript environment where Viewability measurement is possible.

Measured Ads

The total number of ads in the campaign with all detected invalid traffic removed, where IAS was able to collect viewability data. In some ad environments, technical limitations can prevent ads from being measured for viewability or audibility by IAS.

Measured Rate (out of Ads)

The percentage of Measured Ads out of Eligible Ads for Viewability or Audibility Measurement.

Viewable Impressions The number of unblocked viewable impressions in the campaign with all detected invalid traffic removed, where at least 50% of the ad was in view for 1 continuous second for display (2 continuous seconds for video).
Viewable Rate (out of measured ads)

The percentage of Viewable Impressions (at least 1 pixel of the creative rendered on screen; 50% in view for 1 continuous second - display; 2 continuous seconds - video; a 30% or more rule applies to large creatives that are at least 242,500 pixels.) out of unblocked Measured Ads with all detected invalid traffic removed.

Eligible Ads for Invalid Traffic Detection

Excludes all ads where signals to make an IVT determination are missing. Note: This metric has been updated to no longer include test impressions, which was previously reported as GIVT and represents a trace amount of overall GIVT impressions. Test impressions will still be included in our calculation for Total Tracked Ads.

Eligible Rate For Invalid Traffic Detection

The percentage of Eligible Ads for Invalid Traffic Detection, out of all ads IAS processed (Total Tracked Ads).

General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Ads

Traffic that failed to meet ad quality criteria filtered through and caught by known IP and bot lists (ex: Google web crawlers).

General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) Rate

The percentage of ads that IAS detected as GIVT, out of all ads processed by IAS. Traffic that failed to meet ad quality criteria filtered through and caught by known IP and bot lists (ex: google web crawlers).

Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT) Ads

Traffic that failed to meet proprietary and sophisticated invalid traffic detection criteria. Examples of failed traffic can include: hijacked devices, ad tags, or creative; adware; malware; and misappropriated content.

Sophisticated Invalid Traffic Rate

Percentage of traffic that failed to meet proprietary and sophisticated invalid traffic detection criteria out of Total Tracked Ads.

Bots (SIVT) Ads

The number of ads that IAS detected as bots. A malicious software application that runs automated tasks over the internet, usually to make a profit by falsely mimicking real human activity.

Bots (SIVT) Rate

The percentage of ads that IAS detected as bots, out of all ads processed by IAS. A malicious software application that runs automated tasks over the internet, usually to make a profit by falsely mimicking real human activity.

Domain Spoofing (SIVT) Ads

Ads that are low quality inventory disguised as high-quality legitimate-sites, or send incorrect referrer information to hide their identity.

Domain Spoofing (SIVT) Rate

The percentage of ads that are low quality inventory disguised as high-quality legitimate-sites or send incorrect referrer information to hide their identity, out of all ads processed by IAS.

Hidden Ads (SIVT)

The number of ads that IAS detected as Hidden Ads (SIVT). Ads that have no chance of ever being seen by humans. Types of hidden ads include: pixel stuffing, ad stacking, ads clipped by iframes, zero opacity ads, off-page ads, ad truncation, and hidden ads embedded in ads.

Hidden Ads (SIVT) Rate

The percentage of ads that IAS detected as Hidden Ads (SIVT), out of all ads processed by IAS. Ads that have no chance of ever being seen by humans. Types of hidden ads include: pixel stuffing, ad stacking, ads clipped by iframes, zero opacity ads, off-page ads, ad truncation, and hidden ads embedded in ads.

Reduced Value Inventory (RVI) Ads

Traffic which IAS flagged as being generated in a way counter to the advertiser’s interests. Possible examples include the use of incentivized browsing and "proxy servers".

Reduced Value Inventory Rate  The percentage of Reduced Value Inventory (RVI) Ads, out of all ads processed by IAS.
Incentivized Browsing (RVI) Ads

The act of interacting with ads for payment or benefits, usually not by an advertiser-targeted audience

Incentivized Browsing (RVI) Rate

The percentage of ads that IAS detected as Incentivized Browsing (RVI), out of all ads processed by IAS. The act of generating traffic and/or engaging with ads on ad-supported sites by human users, in exchange for payment of some other, typically financial, benefit.

Proxy Server (RVI) Ads

The number of ads that IAS detected as Proxy Servers (RVI). A computer network service that uses indirect network connections to sometimes enable bots to hide their true identity and location.

Proxy Server (RVI) Rate

The percentage of ads that IAS detected as Proxy Servers (RVI), out of all ads processed by IAS. A computer network service that uses indirect network connections to sometimes enable bots to hide their true identity and location.

Total Eligible Ads For Brand Safety

The number of ads IAS processed across all publishers that have opted into brand safety measurement. This metric includes all detected invalid traffic (General Invalid Traffic and Sophisticated Invalid Traffic).

Passed Ads

The number of ads that IAS passed for invalid traffic, brand safety, custom keywords, custom URL, geo, invisible URL, or target language.

Pass Rate

The percentage of ads that IAS passed for invalid traffic, brand safety, custom keywords, custom URL, geo, invisible URL, or target language, out of all ads IAS processed.

Failed Ads

The number of failed ads for invalid traffic, brand safety, custom keywords, custom URL, geo, invisible URL, target language, or your Brand suitability profile. These ads may or may not be blocked.

Fail Rate

The percentage of ads that IAS failed for invalid traffic, brand safety, custom keywords, custom URL, geo, invisible URL or target language, out of all ads IAS processed. These ads may or may not be blocked.

Brand Safety Risk Ads

The number of ads that didn't meet your brand safety threshold.

Brand Safety Risk %

The percentage of ads that didn't meet your brand safety thresholds, out of Total Eligible Ads for Brand Safety.

Brand Suitability Failed Ads

Ads marked as failed for your Brand suitability profile.

Brand Suitability Fail %

Ads marked as failed for your Brand suitability profile, out of Total Eligible Ads for Brand Safety.

Custom URL/App Exclusion List Ads

The number of ads marked as failed for custom URL/App Exclusion List.

Custom URL/App Exclusion List Rate

The percentage of eligible ads marked as failed for your custom URL lists, out of Total Eligible Ads for Brand Safety.

Out of Geo Ads

The number of ads marked as failed for being served outside of the target geo .

Out of Geo Rate

The percentage of ads marked as failed for being served outside of the target geo, out of Total Eligible Ads for Brand Safety.

Invalid Traffic Ads

The number of ads that IAS detected as invalid traffic.

Invalid Traffic Rate

The percentage of ads that IAS detected as invalid traffic, out of all ads IAS processed.
Invisible URL Ads

The number of ads marked as failed because IAS did not detect the top level page where the ad was served.

Invisible URL %

The percentage of ads marked as failed because the top level URL was undetectable, out of Total Eligible Ads for Brand Safety.

Target Language Mismatch Ads

The number of ads marked as failed for language-targeting.

Target Language Mismatch %

The percentage of ads marked as failed for language targeting, out of Total Eligible Ads for Brand Safety.

A whole Glossary with updated info is available in the IAS HelpCenter - check here for more info

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