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Brief questions for planning your campaign

Here's the checklist for planning and executing your successful Eskimi programmatic campaign. 

  1. Target Audience. Define your target audience by interest.
  2. The goal of the Campaign. Set the goal for the campaign (awareness/ clicks generation, etc.)
  3. Main KPI. Select ONE campaign KPI that is most important for you. It can be impressions/ clicks/ interactions/engagements (depending on your campaign type). Remember, that the campaign will be optimised for ONE KPI, though others will be monitored as well.
  4. Budget. What budget do you have allocated for this campaign?
  5. Duration. What is the duration of the campaign? If you are not sure, the Eskimi team will gladly advise you. 
  6. Landing Page. Do you have the landing page where the traffic from campaign ads will be generated? Its very important that your landing page is tested and works properly, because it may affect the results of the campaign.
  7. Tracking. Does your landing page has an Eskimi tracking code? It is not mandatory, but it will help your campaign reaching better results.
// BotSonic