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IBV Video

What is IBV?

IBV (in-banner-video) format is basically an HTML5 video banner, that takes up regular banner placements, and also the IBV format follows regular banner sizes.

In Eskimi DSP we serve IBV video in in 300x250  size. However, other sizes are possible as custom HTML banners.


Automated upload: When uploading IBV video to Eskimi DSP, our dashboard will take the file and will first convert the dimensions of the video to 300x250, then if your video for example is in 16:9 aspect ratio, we downscale the video and add letterboxing automatically, in order to scale the video properly to the 300x250 dimension.  

Companion Banner (optional):  as well every dashboard user has the option to upload a companion banner. This is a regular image that can be shown when the video ads, but it is not required.
The dimensions of the image should be 300x250, file formats: .PNG, .JPG, .JPEG, max file size: 150 kb.

Description (optional):  here you can add a short 90 character description of your video ad ( this description does not appear anywhere visually)

Call to action text (optional):  here you can change the Call-To-Action button text, which is displayed on the top left corner of the video ad. The maximum number of characters allowed is 10.

Controlling video start: If “Play when in viewport” checkbox will be selected - video will start only when banner is in-view at least 50% (our viewability standard is - 50% for 1s, so it’s pretty the same).


image-1613142351039.png BE AWARE, that this feature might impact video metrics performance, as video only will start after it’s vieawble, so video metrics might decrease (views).


Duration:  the maximum duration of the IBV video is is up to 30 seconds. This is the maximum time, which is recommended by all exchanges. However, if you will upload a video that is longer than 30 seconds, the user will be prompted to interact with the ad in order to continue watching the video.

Requirements summary

- File Type: .mp4

- Maximum Video file size: up to 5MB.

// BotSonic