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Different Level Retargeting

Retargeting reminds your website visitors of your products and services. Eskimi DSP allows different level remarketing opportunities.

Campaign Level Remarketing


All campaigns by default collect unique click data. It is based on who was click your ads during a particular programmatic campaign.

How to use?

These users showed a strong interest in your brand meaning that you should advertise them upper funnel offers that would boost stronger interest in your products and services.


It is possible to enable impression audience collection for your programmatic advertising campaigns. This can be done by Ad Operations. These users are only starting to get to know your brand as they just saw your programmatic advertising.

How to use?

You can remarket these users with engaging offering/creative solutions that would boost trust in your brand and gradually would move users from awareness to consideration.

In addition, the Impression audience is great for sequence advertising. If you have a long story to advertise or you would like the users to anticipate for a new product launch try to remarket users that already seen the ads with a different storyline.


It is possible to enable event audience collection for your programmatic advertising campaigns. This can be done by Ad Operations. This audience is based on Rich Media engagement. These users showed interest in your advertising, but may not visit your website.

How to use? 

Move these users from consideration to acquisition. Invite them to visit your website for the premium offering. Or try to use click to action solution that these users not only engage with your ads but would follow other activities with your brand.


If you have implemented the Eskimi DSP conversion pixel, converters will be collected automatically as a separate audience.

How to use?

Build loyalty with these users. This is the core audience that showed full interest in your brand.

First-Party Data Remarketing

Device ID-based

Eskimi DSP supports Device ID remarketing. So if you have CRM data where you collect Device IDs it is possible to upload them to Eskimi DSP and use it through programmatic advertising.

How to use? 

Segment your current or past customers into different device ID segments and advertise different offerings. By doing so you will be able to win back your previous customers while you will bring personalization.


Eskimi DSP allows implementing Tracking pixels that collect cookie data from your website. You can collect users from the whole page or only from a particular website page. Based on different goals different audiences should be set-up.

How to use?

These users already showed a strong interest in your brand as they have visited your website. Therefore, proceed on advertising upper-level offerings so you would move them from only web visitors to converters. In addition, by segmenting your website page you can advertise different offerings for users that visit different parts of your website.

// BotSonic