Eskimi audience targeting opportunities
What are audiences? Audiences refer to groups of users segmented based on their interactions with websites, apps, or other digital platforms. They are classified according to factors such as behavior, demographics, purchasing power, and interests. Technologies like cookies, mobile device IDs, and data aggregation tools, such as Data Management Platforms (DMPs), play a key role in identifying and categorizing these user groups.
Eskimi DSP provides diverse audience targeting options to effectively reach your desired audience.
Behavior Targeting (User Interest Audience) – This allows advertisers to reach users based on their interests. It targets individuals who actively engage with specific topics or content categories (e.g., sports or entertainment). The data is collected from IAB-classified websites and apps, then aggregated daily by Data Management Platforms (DMPs).
- Benefits: Broad reach and cost efficiency.
- Drawbacks: Limited to generic categories.
Retargeting (App and Site Visitors) – Engage users who have previously visited specific apps or websites. Users are collected from specific apps or websites through real-time bid requests. Get more information here.
- Benefits: High personalisation and unique inventory.
- Drawbacks: Limited inventory and dependency on connected DSPs.
Retargeting (Geolocation) - Retarget users located within a defined geographic area using GPS or postal codes from bid requests. Get more information here.
- Benefits: High personalization and relevance.
- Drawbacks: Limited reach due to GPS data scarcity and higher costs
Retargeting (Site first party) - Retarget users that visited your website. Users are collected via pixels on client websites, deleted after 30 days of inactivity. Get more information here.
- Benefits: High user relevance and accuracy compared to 3rd party data.
- Drawbacks: Limited audience size/campaign reach (first-party data only includes your existing audience), collection requires Eskimi pixel implementation.
First-Party Data Audiences (User ID list) - Retarget users based on client-owned data, matched with DMPs for long-term use. Get more information here.
- Benefits: High user relevance and accuracy compared to 3rd party data.
- Drawbacks: Limited audience size/campaign reach as for e.g., CRM data only includes current and past customers, making it difficult to reach new audiences.