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SSP Video

What is Eskimi SSP video?

Eskimi SSP is a video advertising and monetization solution that bridges the gap between video supply and demand. 

The video players allow publishers to monetize their supply through different video placements - in-read, floating, and sticky. The players support in-stream and out-stream ads, so even CTV publishers can be onboarded. 

What are the Eskimi video capabilities? 

Outstream player

Outstream - video ads (VAST & VPAID) are served between the website’s content (ex.: in-article). The out-stream video player is compatible with desktop and mobile devices. The video tag is responsive so the publisher is required to integrate only 1 code.  Outstream code can be implemented directly on the page or through a third party like - Google Ad Manager

Instream player

Instream - video ads (VAST & VPAID) interrupt another video on the website (ex.: pre-roll). The Instream video player is compatible with desktop, mobile & CTV devices. The video tag is responsive so the publisher is required to integrate only 1 code.  Instream code can be implemented directly on the page or through a third party like - Google Ad Manager

Instream player allows controlling:

  •  How many ads will be shown in the content;
  • What will be the time between ads;
  • Randomize or sequence the content where the video ads will be shown;

For instream ad monetization video content is required. The video content has to be on the website. However, if the publisher doesn’t have any content on the website, it is possible to offer a 3rd party content. Keep in mind that the content will be only in English and will have additional pricing

Video placement templates

Both instream and outstream video players have a rich variety of positions on the website. Let’s go through them:


Top left:

Top right:

Top middle:

Bottom left:

Bottom right:

Bottom middle:

Floating video position is highly customizable. It is possible to:

  • Define a video player size when it is floating. 
  • Different pause options. 
  • Floating on button or impression. 
  • Etc.


Top right:

Top left:

Top middle:

Bottom left:

Bottom right:

Bottom middle:

Integration process - local demand

The technical integration process for any video placement (outstream, instream, CTV) is handled by the SSP team. Reach out to and for further information. They will provide video tags, guide the publisher how to implement the tags and troubleshoot any discrepancies. 

After the integration is finished the publisher traffic will be bought through Eskimi DSP by using Aniview exchange. Publishers will be visible the same way as on any other exchange. No additional process is needed for campaign execution. 

For any product related questions reach out to

Integration process - global demand

If the publisher needs to be onboarded for the global demand parallel to local demand then:

  1. Domains and geographies need to be provided by the sales team with the SSP team.
  2. The domains will go through the approval process which will take up to 2 weeks.
  3. After the approval process is finished Eskimi will provide ads.txt lines which need to be implemented by the publisher. 

The global demand consists, but not limited to, global SSPs such as Google, Yahoo, Appnexus, Pubmatic, Magnite, Unruly, Index Exchange, SmartAdServer and others. 

// BotSonic