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Rich Media & MOAT measurement (external)

Maximizing media spends and ensuring ads are displayed in a fraud-free, brand-safe environment is a priority for many advertisers. To achieve this, brands globally are turning to third-party measurement solutions like MOAT. In this article, we will explore how MOAT measurement works with an innovative ad solution called Rich Media.

Defining Rich Media

Rich Media refers to HTML ads created by Eskimi's in-house creative team. These ads are developed using proprietary tools and are not reliant on third-party software.

Understanding MOAT Measurement

MOAT measurement is a third-party tool that utilizes JavaScript tags to enable brands to measure ad impressions based on various parameters such as invalid traffic (IVT), brand safety, viewability, and more. It serves the purpose of verifying supply quality and making necessary adjustments based on the gathered data.

Integration of Rich Media Ads with MOAT Measurement

Rich Media ads created by Eskimi can be effectively utilized in conjunction with MOAT impression trackers, namely JavaScript and Pixel tags. These third-party trackers are implemented by Eskimi's ad operations team prior to the campaign launch, ensuring seamless functionality.

Enabling Custom Ad-Finding Logic in MOAT

For optimal performance of Rich Media ads, it is essential to have MOAT's custom ad-finding logic enabled for your specific MOAT account. This customized logic, implemented by MOAT, plays a vital role in accurately measuring various ad metrics such as impressions, viewability, invalid traffic (IVT), brand safety, and other relevant parameters. With the custom ad-finding logic in place, Rich Media ads can be located with the highest degree of accuracy.

Workflow for Implementation

If your brand intends to incorporate Rich Media ads into your media mix, it is advisable to contact our dedicated MOAT account manager and inform them of your plan to run Rich Media ads through Eskimi. The MOAT account management team will facilitate the enabling of the ad-finding logic for your MOAT account. These changes need to be implemented only once. While the implementation of an ad-finding logic for a specific account will take 2-4 working days. 

The client should also inform MOAT of the following:

- Are they running display and/or video activity?

- Which environments/devices are they running activity in (Desktop, Mobile web, or mobile in-app)?

- What is their preferred reporting hierarchy and corresponding Eskimi macros?

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Should you require further clarification on the workflows, please feel free to reach out to your dedicated account manager, sales representative, or ad operations (adops) team at Eskimi.

// BotSonic