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Brand safety update

Brand safety update:
Exclude ’Strict’ and ‘suspicious’ was merged into 'Exclude'. You only have ‘exclude’ or ‘include’ in Brand safety now.Here’s how include/exclude works now. Will add to manual a bit later - please ask questions if any and will adjust accordingly.Step 1. You create a brand safety set of some words you want to target or want to avoid
  • If you choose ‘find in URL’, system will check if the keyword is in full URL and exclude/include the URL
For example, if you exclude a set that contains murder, and bid request comes from, Eskimi will not bid
  • If you choose ‘Find in content’, system will crawl relevant campaign sites and only show ads if domain was crawled and no ‘murder’ was in that domain
E.g. if comes in a bid, Eskimi will we will not bid till our crawler checks what’s in that site. Once we do the check, we will see if ‘murder’ is part of the content or not, and include/exclude site accordingly.Match types:
  • Contains type match: looks for similar looking words. if you have ‘murder’ in the set, all similar words will be added: ‘murderers, murderous, randomsomethingmurder, etc.’.
  • Exact word type match: looks for exact words. If you have ‘murder’ in the set, it will only look for ‘murder’, not ‘murderers’ or ‘murderous’.
Step 2. Choose on campaign approval
  • If package is 'find in URL', campaign starts using the URL for validation
  • if package is 'find in content', crawler kicks in and starts checking relevant sites, and bidding only once relevant sites are checked. So there might be a delay in checking what content is hidden behind the site URL.
Tip #1:
Check if your keyword set doesn’t have single letters, words of a few letters or similar. Having such would cause ‘type match’ to exclude lots and lots of traffic.
E.g. if you added letter ‘a’ to the set and choose 'contains type match', all sites containing letter ‘a’ would be excluded. That's a lot of sites, as you can imagineTip #2:
brand safety keywords only work on full URL. E.g. are treated as 3 different sites
// BotSonic