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Eskimi DMP & Data Legality, Validity & Security - Technical
DMP Eskimi DMP Eskimi Data Management Platform is an in-house DMP which doesn't use any third p...
Credit Card payment issues
On some occasions, some of the users have problems paying with a credit card through "Eskimi DSP"...
UA: How to add "View" only to Eskimi channel in Google Analytics
This article presents a step-by-step guide on how to create filter in Google Analytics and provid...
GTM: The Definition
What is GTM (Google Tag Manager)?GTM is a tag management solution which acts as an intermediary b...
GTM Glossary
1. 1st party cookieA variable which returns the value for the first party browser cookie with th...
GTM + GA4: How to Track Videos (in a website)
Youtube video tracking with GTM trigger and GA41. Disable Video Engagement tracking features in E...
Apple decides to change the rules
On 2021 Apple released iOS 14.5, its big new software update for iPhones. It adds a lot of new fe...
Everything you need to know about third-party cookies
What are third-party cookies? Websites use cookies to remember a user’s action so they aren’t as...
The end of Third-Party cookies
Pressure from regulators and consumers has led many within the tech industry to declare third-par...
Eskimi DSP Policies for Advertising Partners
Prohibited Content Advertising Partners must not serve ads which promote the following content. ...
Brand safety update
Brand safety update:Exclude ’Strict’ and ‘suspicious’ was merged into 'Exclude'. You only have ‘e...
How to create an account and log in?
Get your own Eskimi DSP account in these 3 simple steps. 1. You will need to provide your name, ...
Payments to Eskimi DSP
How to pay? Payments to Eskimi can be made by:- Wired transfer to Lithuanian, Nigerian, or Si...
GDPR compliance
1. Who is your Data Protection Officer? According to the GDPR, it is not obligatory to have a DP...