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Uploading Creatives

There are 3 types of ads that you can launch on your own using Eskimi DSP self-service:

  • Standard banner ads
  • Native ads
  • Video ads


You can find the requirements for banner ads here: What are the most popular ad banner formats?

Step 1: Log in to your DSP account, go to Creative Sets, and on the new page click "Add creative set".


Step 2: On the next page indicate the creative sets Title and select the format. 


Uploading banner creatives

First, choose the type of your banner:

  • Upload banners - these are simple images that you can upload from your computer to DSP.
  • Remote banners - these are banners that you can upload from an outside server (eg.{timestamp} ) Remote banners must comply with ad exchange policies and technical requirements, and they're supposed to have a timestamp at the end of their address.
  • Javascript tag - these are HTML rich media format banners. Note that these ad servers must support https, comply with ad exchange policies, and technical requirements. Example:


After selecting the desired creative format, click "Continue". And you will be greeted with the upload screen. Indicate the Title of the creative, and select the file you want to upload. After that click "Save".



You can find requirements for video ads here: Video ad formats

The same process applies and to video uploads.
Step 1: Log in to your DSP account, go to Creative Sets, and click "Add creative set".
Step 2: Select the type of your creative set as video and name it.
Step 3: Select the type of video  (VAST + IBV, VAST, IBV).

Step 4: After selecting the type. You will be greeted with the video upload page. 


Step 4: Upload companion banners (this step is not necessary) Companion banners must contain at least one of the following sizes: 300x250 or 300x60.
Step 5: Write Call to action text. This text should be short and engaging, eg. Buy now. It will describe a call to action button for the destination URL.
Step 6: Save your video ad. The video dimensions might change after uploading in comparison with the original video because the system resizes the video based on the quality of the video and other factors. However, this doesn't have any impact on the performance of the campaigns. 

// BotSonic